Never been one for
making a decision
Often, I simply go
with the flow
Some times that makes
others irritable
Guess they are
looking for a leader to follow
I'm not saying I'm a
I do things on my own
It is hard to pin me
down or claim ownership
I'm not one of those
I'm loyal when
available and will give everything I have
But I hold grudges
when I'm forced off my path
I keep people at arms
length that are questionable
If you look in my
eyes I'm an open book
I never hide my
It is not my fault
some choose not to look
I'm quiet and shy and
boastful and loud
I carry a lot of
The weight is
sometimes unbearable
Especially when there
is nothing to be proud about
This is as true as I get
I'm consistently not
very consistent
I am who I am, take
it or leave it
Never been one for
making decisions
Often, things fall
into place after time
Now you know all this
about me
You decide if I should
be in your life
R. Hosking
© 2014