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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Live for Now


Here I am caught between the living and the dead
Walking in a realm I have not visited yet
Oh my, how my imagination can soar
Billowing white clouds covering up the impending storm
My creative heart suffers from writer's block
Blocking out memories it hurts to humor
Awaking a new world where hurting does not exist
Who says you can't have heaven on earth
Who says my life is not my own
I was given free will to do whatever I see fit
This is me this is how I grow
Take a few steps forward
To secure what lies ahead
Take a few steps backwards
To make sure I did not miss a step
You can only speculate the future
Study history so you do not repeat the past
Live for now
Because now is all that is left

R. Hosking
© 2015

Divine Intervention

When the hurting starts to become the comfort
Your mind becomes numb to the pain
If I could forget and replace a memory
With a picture from yesterday
But my heart only feels the emptiness
It has already been trained
I have to relearn that love is faith
And maybe now God might intervene
Not calling out in prayer
For I humbly concede
I know nothing of my own affairs
I could not possibly understand
What I truly need

R. Hosking
© 2015

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The Endless Journey


What's your limit
Is there a limit
Can you jump
How high do you want me to go
Can you reach the stars
Depends how far they are
How do you cure the blues
Depends how deep the scar
Is there a road you dare not travel
How could I know until I made the journey
Is there a dream you dare not dream
Only the one I can't reach
How do you know which one you can't speak
I can't until I dream them all
What do you learn from failed attempts
That the rise consists of many falls
So when do you know to call it quits
That brings me back to where it began
I never give up because success has no end

© 2015

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Smoking Mirrors


It must be exhausting always being right
How are you able to carry the weight of the world the way you do
I would show a bit more respect
But disagree with your arrogant attitude
Do you feel peace or are you so consumed with hate
Buried so deep you can't see who you are in the mirror
Blinded by a common face
It is so easy to point fingers
Even easier to judge
Pitching your stone out your glass window
Until it crashes your neighbor's glass walls
It is so easy to see someone else's problems
Looking from the outside in
Turn the mirror to yourself
While it is still smoking
Hide behind the dark cloud
You may even get some sympathy
Since my methods are deemed unorthodox
Guess it never occurred to you
You may be the one that is wrong
Not sure why we can't love one another
Forgive and forget
But we always prefer living under the weight of hatred
Including myself
But today I decided to get off the ride
My head was spinning and making me sick
So instead I tried being nice
Asked my enemy to make a wish
It is not my fault they wished ill will on mankind
Wait, my mistake, it was only wished upon me
Self entitled greedy little bastards
Always lurking in the trees
Sorry you do not dictate my moods
No matter how childish you are allowed to be
Remember that smoking mirror
The one you hide behind
Well, simply because I chose to close my eyes
Does not mean I am blind
Does it make a bigger person to stand your ground
While flexing your muscles
I thought the meek would inherit the earth
Not the tyrants and devils

R. Hosking
© 2015