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Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The Endless Journey


What's your limit
Is there a limit
Can you jump
How high do you want me to go
Can you reach the stars
Depends how far they are
How do you cure the blues
Depends how deep the scar
Is there a road you dare not travel
How could I know until I made the journey
Is there a dream you dare not dream
Only the one I can't reach
How do you know which one you can't speak
I can't until I dream them all
What do you learn from failed attempts
That the rise consists of many falls
So when do you know to call it quits
That brings me back to where it began
I never give up because success has no end

© 2015


  1. Another wonderful piece of writing. And so very very true. You certainly have a wonderful talent x

  2. Just read this out to Brenda and she says it is very thought provoking. Could apply to anything

    1. Thanks Brenda, you know I always have a huge respect and admiration for her opinions. She is Mum, after all... :) thank you so much for sharing it!

  3. I know I am not alone in feeling so happy that you do not give up.We know that your success has no end & are inspired by the journey we are priveleged enough to be sharing with you.
