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Saturday, November 2, 2013

Time Can Be Unkind

photo provided by Worth1000.com


Why do you string her along
Does it make you feel like a man
Kick a girl when she's down
Enjoy it while you can
She can turn you off
You have no control over her
You can barely control yourself
Time is easily blurred

Go ahead enjoy that limelight
The one that shines in your dreams
Visualize it and make it happen
But don't forget the elbow grease
You say you were blessed with a gift
How many tomorrows will it take
Time is always in constant motion
Before you know it, its too late

Why are you so depressed
Does it make you feel alive
You silly fool she tried to help you
But you under estimated time
Together you could have soared
But soon you'll be eating her dust
Your not chosen like you thought
Time slipped away and that eats you up

R. Hosking
© 2013

1 comment:

  1. I am sure that this must apply to many men. So many guys have no idea how to appreciate women. Another very well written piece
