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Showing posts with label Journey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Journey. Show all posts

Monday, February 3, 2020

Pretend it Doesn't Exist

photo by Rebecca Hosking Photography


You can rip out pages from your journal
Pretend like that day didn't exist
It does not change what's in your heart
It still does not erase the tears
You can own your responsibility
But it will not erase theirs
Suck it up, bite your tongue,
Shove your hands in your pockets
To prevent them from staying young
Yeah the world thinks you are a push over
And have no problems stepping on your toes
Careful to mimic their behavior
Because they won't take it as well as you
All the sudden you're the devil
The same person they held in high regards
The one time you were down on your luck
They started to miss your charm
Oh fear not my silent willow hiding in the brush
Karma will have her due diligence
And shower you with gifts of love
Turn your head, pretend it doesn't exist
This cruel world surrounding us
Filled to the brim with false prophets
Chastising you for rising above

R. Hosking